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Season 2 Now Launched!

Jenny Bitner, The Mind Leadership Podcast

Co-Hosts Jenny Bitner & Dwayne Smith

Start with this belief, "I can create a culture where my team is excited to show up every day!"

As a leader, you have the influence and ability to create an environment where people are inspired to reach their full potential.




It starts with your intention, then understanding that the positive impact you want to create, depends on your ability to be an inclusive leader and produce fun. As kids, we grew up relishing our opportunities to play and we needed to feel that sense of inclusion with those we played with. Those desires never leave us as we get older. Leaders who know this and apply it to their team culture, see tremendous results.


The Mind Leadership podcast will explore practical thoughts, ideas and experiences that you can connect with to drive your leadership toward inclusion and fun.

It starts with you!


With over 35 years combined of leadership and entrepreneurial experience and success, let us show you how, as we interview seasoned and emerging leaders from across the globe to share their expertise.

Subscribe and tune in as we release new and engaging podcasts every Tuesday!

Season One has 122 episodes if you want to begin diving in!

The Mind Leadership Podcast
The Mind Leadership Podcast
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